Dental Crown in Merrylands

One of the common dental procedures available at the Merrylands Dental Clinic is the dental crown. A Dental Crown is actually a “cap”, which is shaped like a tooth, and it is placed over a compromised tooth so that it not only gets size, shape, and appearance back, but it also becomes stronger. At Merrylands Dental Clinic, our dentists take a mould of your tooth and send this off to a lab. Your Dental Crown is then custom made for your tooth using rare materials such as porcelain and zirconia that have a nice tooth coloured appearance.

Why you need a Crown

Our Merrylands Dentists will recommend a Dental Crown in one or more of the following situations:

  • When you have a weak tooth, which may be due to various reasons like due to tooth decay, or it has cracked or broken, then you may need a dental crown. In these scenarios, you may also need a Root Canal Treatment before the Crown is placed.
  • If a tooth is worn down, or it is broken and has lost its shape, then you can regain its shape with a dental crown.
  • When a tooth has been severely damaged, or it is discolored and you are unhappy with its appearance, you may request a dental crown to restore the color and beauty of your teeth. If this is the case, you may also ask our Dentists about Veneers, which fulfill a similar role.
  • If there is a need for cosmetic modification or when the purpose is to cover a dental implant, a dental crown is the way to deal with it.

Benefits of Dental Crown

It is mentioned earlier that dental crown is a great way to get back the appearance, shape, functionality, and strength of your teeth. Here are a few other considerable benefits to look at:

  • Damages teeth can hinder your ability to eat or chew. With a dental crown properly placed over a damaged tooth, you will be able to chew again without concern for the damaged tooth
  • Your damaged tooth is vulnerable so long as it is exposed. A dental crown keeps it safe from further damage and infection
  • Dental crowns are vital to maintain and restore the structural integrity of your mouth.  If you think of your tooth like a house, and then every filling is like a renovation. Each renovation breaks the house a little, including the structural walls, which weakens the tooth. A crown is a cap that strengthens the tooth by replacing all the structural walls. Its the strongest thing we have in dentistry.
