Merrylands Ear, Nose, and Throat Expert

Do you need to see an experienced ENT doctor in the Merrylands area? The ear, nose and throat are vital parts of the body and chronic conditions affecting their normal functioning can cause significant problems to daily life.

With the rise in ENT disorders, a closer and specialised look at some of the common ENT issues is paramount when treating recurring issues. Allergies and hayfeversinusitisnosebleeds, and snoring, among many others, are prevalent ENT issues. If you suffer from any of these and live in the Merrylands, Guildford or Granville area, book an appointment with your local ENT expert.

Weight loss can be a difficult process, with so many factors that all need addressing at the same time. It is important to have a proper management plan before starting on this fat loss journey so you don’t stop halfway without reaching your goal. It is also important that the plan you make for your fat loss journey is based on fact, not fiction. There are many myths and stories about what works for fat loss but at the end of the day, science reigns true. At our Fat loss Clinic in Merrylands, you talk to expert doctors who have seen and treated stubborn fat that does not seem to go away. Through a variety of techniques and prescription medication (Weight Loss Medication), our doctors have gotten effective results.

Common Reasons to see your Merrylands ENT Doctor

Allergies and Hayfever:

An allergy is the response of the human immune system to external substances, or allergens. They are contacted by touching, inhaling, eating, or injecting them into our bodies.

While Allergies are of two forms, namely indoor and outdoor allergies, they also occur either around the year or in specific seasons. There are various types of allergies. Grass and weed pollen, pets, dust mites, cockroaches, and mold spores are all common allergy triggers. Hayfever, an allergy triggered majorly by pollen, is found among 10-30% of the world’s population.

Symptoms of Allergies

  • Sneezing
  • A runny or blocked nose
  • Nasal pain
  • Itching of the ear, nose, and throat
  • Postnatal drips
  • Headache

Prevention and Treatment

In general, allergies do not have a cure but could be managed. Further, the best prevention of allergies is avoiding allergens or allergy triggers. Various treatments are available, and seeing a GP or ENT doctor is recommended.


Sinusitis is also a common ENT issue that occurs due to the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. Hence, sinusitis affects effective breathing and also makes the nose stuffy. Most times, sinusitis could either be chronic or acute. While acute sinusitis occurs for a short while (1-4 weeks) and is generally associated with cold, chronic occurs for a longer time, for instance, three months and above. Its causes include allergies, viruses, bacteria, and fungi.


  • Nasal inflammation
  • Postnasal drainage
  • Nasal congestion
  • Insensitivity to smell and taste
  • Fatigue
  • Pains
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Cough amidst many others.

Treatment and Preventive Measures:

Preventive measures include avoiding smoking, managing or avoiding allergens, maintaining proper hygiene, staying in a moist environment, and keeping a distance from individuals with respiratory challenges.

Medications are available, such as nasal irrigation using saline nasal sprays. Resting adequately, inhaling steam and using decongestant tablets are also options, and in extreme cases you may require surgery. See a GP or specialist to recommend the treatment most suitable to your condition.


Approximately 45% of adults snore, and of these, about 25% will do this often. Snoring can become disturbing to partners or other people sleeping close to a snorer. These sounds are the result of a blockage of air passage through the nose or mouth. A sleep disorder called obstructive sleep apnea is often connected to snoring most times. Apart from blockage of the nose and throat, snoring could also result from the use of drugs and alcohol, sleeping on your back, lack of adequate sleeping time, or being overweight.

Remedies and treatments

  • Have a sleeping schedule and stick to it
  • Always sleep sideways
  • Elevate the head of your bed a bit
  • Open your airways with decongestants(with doctor permission)
  • Change lifestyle
  • Wearing plastic in your mouth to keep your airway open


A nosebleed is the blood loss from tissues found inside the nose. Though the sight of this blood loss might be frightening, however, this is often a minor issue. There are instances where it can be a chronic issue that requires a doctor or ENT specialist. Anterior and posterior nosebleed are the common forms of nosebleed. While the anterior type is common among children and starts from the front of the nose, the other is common among adults and begins deep inside the nose. Its causes range from nose picking, allergic reaction, repeated sneezing, cold air, irritation of chemicals, fixed external item in the nose, cold air, infection in the upper part of the respiratory system, nose injury, and many others.

Prevention and Treatments

  • Avoid nose-picking
  • Blow your nose gently
  • Protect your nose during harmful activities
  • Follow nasal decongestants instructions.