
Woodville Road Medical & Dental Centre

Male Breast Reduction Surgery in Merrylands


January 24, 2021

Male Breast Reduction Surgery in Merrylands

A man having breasts or man boobs is relatively abnormal but not uncommon and many afflicted individuals will choose to seek out male breast reduction surgery.

Man boobs can be hereditary, or due to a misuse of medications, among a number of other potential causes. They are the reason why many young men develop body consciousness or self esteem issues. A simple male breast reduction is an often uncomplicated process that can give you a flat and firm chest. The operation reduces excess fat and glandular tissues in a male’s chest.

As of 2019, according to a report, there was a 19% increase in patients that underwent male breast reduction.

However, before the effect of a problem can be removed, the cause must be known and examined carefully. Please book an appointment with one of our GP’s for a pre-surgery consultation.


👉 Book an appointment with one of our GP’s to obtain a referral. This appointment is Bulk Billed for your convenience

👉 When you’ve obtained your referral, book an appointment with our surgeon, Doctor Paramalingam Lingathas, for a consultation. Dr. Lingathas is available 5 days a week. This consultation is bulk billed.

👉 Come in on Treatment day!

Please note: Any procedure incurs a minimum $50 facility fee to cover the costs of any medication, sutures, or materials used as medicare does not reimburse our clinic for those items. Doctors and surgeons fees are Bulk billed for some procedures. Ask our surgeon as your FREE consultation about which procedures are covered. 🙂

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What causes man boobs?

Enlarged male boobs are otherwise known as gynecomastia. It occurs as a result of proliferated glandular tissue in men. Men are not born to have protruded breasts like women. Gynecomastia is caused by increased male estrogen production and decreased testosterone levels during puberty.

Alternatively, the presence of excess fat in a man’s chest is another cause of man boobs.

With both cases, a simple male breast reduction surgery can alleviate men of this affliction.

What Is Involved In The Male Breast Reduction Surgery?

There are two methods for a Man Boob Reduction Surgery:

  1. The Use of Liposuction

Treating gynecomastia with the use of liposuction involves the use of local anesthesia with sedation. This surgery is executed with a small incision on the sides of the chest or within the armpit. Through this, the surgeon removes excess fat and glandular tissues from the chest, and at the same time, shapes the chest to that which best fits.

Patients are given contraction garments to reduce swelling and aid quick healing. Specific instructions will be given to every patient by the surgeon to aid with for the rapid recovery of the tissues.


  1. Treating Gynecomastia Using Tissue Incision

Cases with significant sagging skin around the breast require a treatment other than liposuction. These patients are offered tissue incision.

This involves the removal of glandular tissues. Incisions are made around the creases of the chest for the removal of excess fat.

Male breast reduction surgery through tissue incision involves the use of general anesthesia. For recovery, patients are given constriction garments to reduce swelling and aid quick tissue healing.

It is vitfor patients to first see a GP for advice and to see if surgery is the best choice for you. After the surgery, follow all instructions given by the surgeon.