
Woodville Road Medical & Dental Centre

Top 3 Dental hacks for the Proactive Patient

Dental hacks

May 11, 2021

Top 3 Dental hacks for the Proactive Patient

Dental hack 1: Use a Water Flosser

To start our list of dental hacks, we have to first address and explain many of our patient’s problems. Many patients always ask why do I need to floss…I already brush my teeth! Many patients complain that their gums bleed, especially when they brush. It is an uncomfortable sight to see blood coming out of your mouth, but it’s one that many people see. The reason we bleed from our mouth is because of unhealthy gums (Gingivitis).

But flossing and brushing do two entirely different things and prevent two entirely different diseases. Brushing prevents decay or also known as dental caries. Flossing prevents gum and bone disease also known as Gingivitis (infection of the gums) and Periodontitis (infection of the bone holding teeth).

When you have food, plaque and saliva, it hardens on teeth. We call this hard mass Tartar or Calculus. When the Tartar hardens it infects your gum and your bone.

  • When your gums are infected it leads to gum recession or the dropping of the gums, exposing the root surface. This causes:
    • An unaesthetic look with receded gums.
    • It also causes root sensitivity.
    • More importantly, when the bone is infected the bone drops, which leads to less foundation for the tooth. Eventually, the reduction in foundation holding the tooth firm leads to the teeth becoming wobbly and eventually falling out.

      Well, how do I prevent Gum and Bone Disease?!

      Well here is where the tried and tested request of flossing comes from. When you floss you slow the hardening of the plaque and food, and in turn prevent the formation of tartar. When tartar does not form, you don’t get the infection of the gums and the bone. When the gums and the bone are not infected, the gums stay where they should and the tooth doesn’t become wobbly or fall out.

      But flossing is difficult and it is very easy to traumatise the gums when not flossing correctly. This can actually cause more damage than good. This is why we need an effective way of remove food, plaque and saliva from Harding. This is where Water Flossers become very useful. When you normally come in for your cleans, your dentist removes any tartar that has built up with an instrument that vibrates quickly and shoots water to flush the gums and remove any plaque or debris. A Water Flosser is a home-use option to flush the gums and prevent any plaque or debris build-up, thus slowing down any tartar formation just like floss does. Unfortunately, both the floss and Waterpik can’t remove tartar once it has formed, but both are critical in slowing its formation before it is removed during a professional clean by the dentist.

      Dental Hack: But why is using a Water Flosser over floss so much of a dental hack?

      Here are the pros and cons of using a Water Flosser


      • One-off cost. No repeat buys for Floss. Floss can be expensive when you are buying a new floss roll every month. A Water Flosser is a one-off cost, but no continued costs.
      • More effective than floss. The water adapts and bends to the gum contour and flushes any debris out. Floss just disturbs the plaque and removes minimal in comparison.
      • Easier to use in all places, especially hard to reach areas.
      • Less likely to traumatise the gums, with the force of irrigation able to be reduced and increased depending on patient sensitivity.
      • More deep clean. Water from the Water Flosser can engage the gums deeper than floss can.
      • One Water Flosser can be used for the entire family.


      • Initial cost being higher.

      Gum and bone disease is a lifestyle disease. It is comparable to a heart attack. Both don’t happen overnight, over a few weeks or a few months. It is the years of neglect that really show the effects. Just like with heart disease, doctors recommend having a good diet and 30 minutes of exercise a day, dentist also recommends using the Waterpik daily and come in for 6 monthly cleans.

      Most people experience gum and bone disease as early as the late thirties. Unlike a heart attack, where starting a good diet and exercise routine reverses the risks elements of a heart attack- once the damage is done in the gum and bone disease, you can’t reverse those effects. You cannot reverse the lost gum and bone once it has occurred. This is why dentists always stress the 6 monthly cleans to prevent the irreversible state some people find themselves in.

      Book today and get your gum and bone health back!

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Dental hack 2: Spit No Rinse

Dental hacks that can save you money are exactly what you are looking for, so let’s explain how!

Dental decay, known as dental caries, can be debilitating. It can cause severe pain and sleepless nights. Most people know to brush their teeth to prevent this, but they don’t actually know how it happens.

How does dental decay happen?

Inside your mouth, there is food (Carbohydrates) and bacteria. When bacteria eat the food, they produce acids. These acids form a hole in your tooth and that is known as dental decay. It’s really simple.

Now, why do Dentists say “No sugar”. Well, sugars are just very simple carbohydrates, and bacteria LOVE sugar. They eat through that much faster than more complex carbohydrates and therefore produce more acids when eating sugars.

How do I stop dental decay?

Well if there are only 2 components, food and bacteria, then we just need to get rid of one! Now we can’t get rid of all the bacteria, as we need them for other functions and also it would be quite difficult. But we can definitely get rid of the food. This is where effective and careful tooth brushing comes into handy. If you brush really well then you can prevent many of the acids produced by bacteria, damaging the tooth!

One other way is to make your tooth more resistant to decay/acids. The government spends millions of dollars to fluoridate our water for one reason only. It makes kids and adult teeth more acid-resistant. In fact, when fluoride imbues into the tooth, it makes teeth 10 times more acid-resistant/decay-resistant.

Dental Hack: How do I make my teeth more acid-resistant/Decay resistant?!

There are a number of ways to make your teeth more acid-resistant and decay-resistant using fluoride.

  1. Use tap water that is fluoridated already and let that form a more acid-resistant tooth.
  2. When your dentist offers fluoride treatments after a 6 monthly clean, make sure you always get this done. The high dose fluoride will form a protective shield layer that breaks down over time and releases the fluoride into the tooth.
  3. After Brushing…Spit the toothpaste out…and don’t rinse! I know it sounds weird and funny, but it is the most effective method. When you go to the dentist during your cleans, you get a high dosage of fluoride (comparatively) for a short period of time, only every 6 months. Some fluoride imbues into the tooth, but most of that is spat out afterwards. What is actually more effective, is low does fluoride repeated over long periods of time. Now surprisingly, fluoride is in most toothpaste for this exact reason. The fluoride in toothpaste, when left on the tooth overnight (or longer than 30mins) really does strengthen teeth and makes them 10 times more acid/decay-resistant. That isn’t an exaggeration, it genuinely makes teeth 10 TIMES more resistant to decay, which means you are 10 TIMES less likely to need a filling. So for yourself and your kids, next time please teach them the correct way to brush. After brushing, just spit but do not rinse. Allow that fluoride to really do its thing and make your teeth strong. Save yourselves the headache of tooth decay in the future by taking care today!


Book online today and make sure we can help you identify and fix andy dental decay!

Book a Check-up with our Merrylands Dentists, and make sure there are no cavities forming!

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Dental hack 3: Best type of toothbrush

Dental Hack: Sweat the main stuff!

Let’s talk about each option comparison.

  • Soft vs Hard bristles
    • Never go hard bristles. Simple as that. Never a use case for that.
    • Think of your teeth like a wall and the soft bristles like fine sandpaper and the hard bristles like coarse sandpaper. If you repeatedly scrub the same area in the wall for 50 years twice a day for 2 minutes, the coarse hard sandpaper will form a hole in the wall. The soft sandpaper will just smooth the area. It’s the same thing with teeth, where the hard bristles scrub off the enamel and the soft bristles just do enough to remove plaque but never enamel. The same goes with putting too much force when brushing, you will end up removing too much enamel.
    • Soft bristles are the way to go!
  • Electric vs Mechanical (normal toothbrushes)
    • Electric and mechanical toothbrushes can do the exact same thing in theory. They both can scrub away and plaque or food in nooks and crannies in your mouth. So why go electric? While both can do the same thing as a tool, the user needs to find it easy and efficient to use.
      • Electric toothbrushes remove the thought process of scrubbing, which means you can concentrate on actually getting all the spots in your mouth and not missing any. You can drag the brush around your mouth and make sure the rotating bristles do all the work!
      • Electric toothbrush heads are smaller and can fit all the way at the back of your mouth where it’s hard to reach due to a lack of space!
      • Electric toothbrushes rotate faster than the human hand can scrub, which means the cleans are more efficient, shorter and usually more thorough|!
      • Electric toothbrushes have a pressure sensor so you don’t end up scrubbing off all the enamel on your tooth. This prevents any potential sensitivity that may have occurred! As mentioned above, hard bristles or too much hand pressure can lead to root exposure, dentine exposure and high grades of sensitivity. By using control force, ensured by the electric toothbrush, we can prevent any potential sensitivity!
    • The electric toothbrush is the way to go!
  • Sonic or rotary
    • Some brushes use vibrations to clean teeth, while others use a rotating head on the toothbrush. Now you have to understand what the purpose of brushing is. The main reason is to remove food! If you cause vibrations on the bristles that won’t remove food. A rotating head with bristles can sweep the food out for the nooks and crannies and then outside your mouth.
    • Rotary is the way to go!

The best kind of brush is an electric toothbrush with a soft rotating head!

Kids Dental Braces in Merrylands

Kid's Dental Braces in Merrylands
Kid's Dental Braces in Merrylands

March 9, 2021

Kids Dental Braces in Merrylands

If you are looking for a dental expert in Kid’s Dental Braces in Merrylands, look no further! Many children can be quite-self conscious about requiring braces, however at our Merrylands Dental Clinic, we know know that the long-term benefits are well worth the discomfort. Children deserve a perfect smile allowing them to be carefree and full of life.

Crooked teeth can result in significant impacts on a child’s dental hygiene, breathing, and sleep habits. While our dentists will always encourage any preventative methods while they are still an option, braces can also in turn prevent the need for more serious treatments down the line. Having untreated crooked teeth is quite unfortunate, as it leads to many other issues. One of the main issues is psychological low self-esteem, which impacts a child throughout their life. When a child has crooked teeth, they are less likely to smile and more likely to be awkward and hesitant about social interactions. This has long-standing impacts and negatively changes the way a child grows up.

If you are a parent that is concerned about their child developing a straight and healthy smile come and visit the Woodville Road Medical and Dental Clinic. We want all children to have beautiful vibrant smiles that bring a smile to everyone who sees it. Our clinic uses white brackets and white archwires to hide the braces, making them virtually invisible when required. Say goodbye to braces that stand out and create an eyesore. Our new SmileFast technology makes a slim profile to the braces keeping them hidden.

Dr Youstina is a leading expert when it comes to Kid’s Dental Braces in Merrylands and is able to take care of your child from start to finish, regardless of what kind of issue your child has! Book in today for an initial consultation to get an idea of whether your child needs braces now or in the future!

Book an Appointment with Dr Youstina to get your child an amazing Smile!

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Book an Appointment with Dr Youstina to get your child an amazing Smile!


Kid’s Dental Braces in Merrylands typically costs from $6500- $16000, depending on which dentist you go to. For our community, especially for kids, we want everyone to be able to smile and enjoy life. As such our experienced dentists and experts have priced our treatments at the lower end of this scale, and are happy to price match other clinics to provide a competitive price. Our treatment times range from 6 months to 1 year, but this varies from patient to patient.

We understand Price can be a large determinant when choosing where to do the treatment. We aim to assist with this issue, by providing payment plans (ZipPay), to reduce the burden of braces. Just to make things more convenient our Dentists are available till 8 PM from Monday-Friday, so you don’t have to skip work!


For Kid’s Dental Braces in Merrylands, treatments typically start with an initial consultation. We determine if your child needs braces, and what age they should start. Some children have a few years to go whereas other kids are late to start treatment. Typically children who need braces usually start at about 9-12 years of age, which is about the pubertal spurt. Keep in mind, it is better to have the initial consultation before 8 years of age, in order to allow the dentist to start planing a child’s braces journey. Early planning may even reduce the costs of the overall treatment and also reduce the treatment times. If you are unsure if your child is needing braces, or too young/old for braces, come in for a consultation with our Dentists, who will be able to give insight into when the best time to start with braces is.

Book an Appointment with Dr Youstina to get your child an amazing Smile!

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Book an Appointment with Dr Youstina to get your child an amazing Smile!


When seeing Kid’s for Dental Braces, we typically like to make the first appointment relaxing and easy-going. We usually ask the parents what their main concerns are, and if the child also has the same concerns. We always take photos and do a full exam to make sure your child does not have any decay going on, before proceeding to plan for the braces. Typically if a child needs more time before determining if they need braces, then we will usually set this up and ensure that they are called back at the appropriate time. To get started with the process today, Click “Book Now” to see Dr Youstina our expert when it comes to Kid’s braces!


Kid’s Dental Braces can and should keep teeth straight so long as a child wears a retainer. At Woodville Rd Medical and Dental, we use permanent retainers to ensure your teeth NEVER go crooked again. These retainers help to hold teeth in position and are not able to be seen. We know our work is of the highest quality which is why we give a guarantee on the work we do! We don’t like to take shortcuts, which is why we do not use a temporary retainer (the plastic tray that goes in and out of your mouth). Not only are temporary retainers costly, but they are also largely ineffective. We pride ourselves on doing long-lasting permanent retainers, which can keep teeth perfectly straight for up 40-50 years.

Are you an adult that is interested in braces? We are not just servicing Kids Dental Braces in Merrylands, but we can treat any age!

Book Now with one of our dentists for a consultation.

Additionally, we also offer in-house Invisalign treatments. Click here to find out more about Invisalign.

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Veneers in Merrylands


October 24, 2020

Veneers in Merrylands

Have you ever been self-conscious about your smile? Or have you ever wanted an extra pearly white smile for a formal event? Our Merrylands Dental Clinics has got you covered with Veneers. Our Dentists recommend Veneers for a myriad of issues including chipped, crooked, discoloured, spaced, unevenly or misshaped teeth with various options that match your preference.

Dental veneers are often referred to as porcelain veneers, or dental composites. They are wafer-thin pieces of porcelain that cover the teeth for both aesthetics and protection. Think of veneers as fake nails for your teeth. Veneers come in several colours that you can choose to sharpen your smile.

Ask your dentist for a full range of veneer options at our Merrylands Clinic today! Our veneers are offered as a resin composite or porcelain material. Our Dentists will always recommend a material that best matches your natural teeth to ensure you get an organic-looking smile.

Book an appointment with your Merrylands Dentists and fit your vaneers

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Types of veneers

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are ceramic veneers that have excellent colour and look. However, the issue is they require the tooth to be cut, are expensive and usually take 2 appointments.

Porcelain veneers are prone to chipping and cracking and are quite delicate. Although they look great, it isn’t the usual choice we would recommend.

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers look amazing and the technology that goes into them is very advanced. They are significantly cheaper, are less prone to chipping/ fracturing but also take 2 appointments.

Composite veneers may or may not require some tooth shaving, depending on the case. Composite veneers are very easy to fix if they chip and as a long term strategy is quite optimal.

Book a consult with your Merrylands Dentists and discuss in detail

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Book a consult with your Merrylands Dentists and discuss in detail

Veneers at Woodville Road Dental Clinic Merrylands

The problems that our dentists routinely fix through the use of veneers:

  • Discoloration of teeth
  • Excessive fluoride
  • Resin filling
  • Worn teeth
  • Crooked or broken teeth
  • Irregular bulges in teeth
  • Gaps in teeth

The procedure of getting a veneer at our Merrylands Dental Clinic has been optimised by our expert dentists. Book a consultation any time to have a chat and see what our veneers can do for you.

Benefits of Veneers

There is a vast number of potential benefits for getting dental veneers at our Merrylands Dental Clinic. Our dentists offer a customized range of dental veneer solutions designed to suit the exact nature of your smile.

  • Providing a naturally appearing, and healthy smile
  • The tolerance level of the porcelain wall becomes even stronger with veneers
  • Veneers increase the stain resistance of your teeth
  • Variety of colour selection can conceal dental work and match the rest of your teeth
  • Veneer doesn’t even require the shaping and pre-work required by a crown

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All New Invisalign Treatments in Merrylands


September 28, 2020

All New Invisalign Treatments in Merrylands

Invisalign is the new alternative for straightening your teeth straightened without the use of traditional braces. Our Merryland Dental Clinic now offers Invisalign as an orthodontic treatment in addition to wire and bracket braces. You can book a no-commitment Invasalign consultation with one of our Merrylands Dentists today, and start your journey to a brighter smile.

Our Clinic has acquired the latest machinery and software in order to provide Invisalign treatments from a central location to patients in the Merrylands, Guildford and Granville. The brand new scanner at our Merrylands Clinic is able to digitally recreate your smile in-house, and show you the true capabilities of the treatment right away. This means less waiting for data to be sent to and from third-party labs.

If you aren’t happy with the results, you can extend your treatment period with no added cost.

invisalign merryalnds

Book a FREE Invisalign Consultation and have your teeth digitally scanned by one of our Merrylands Dentists

Book a FREE Invisalign Consultation and have your teeth digitally scanned by one of our Merrylands Dentists

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How Invisalign Works

Invisalign treatments use a set of clear, removable and a custom-made aligners intended to straighten up teeth over time. The Invisalign Treatment is painless and easy process that leads you down a path for a healthier smile.


1. Get a smile test

During your first consultation, your Merrylands dentist can scan your teeth and show you how the Invisalign treatment will affect your smile over time. Using a new technology known as the iTero Element scanner, our Invisalign Consultants can digitally map your teeth and bite with fast precision. This 3D recreation can be used to show you the parts of your teeth that will receive the most benefit from the treatment. Unlike many dentists, this process occurs entirely in-house, so you can get your information faster than ever!

2. Custom Made Aligners

Once your digital Invisalign treatment plan is approved, the digital recreation of your smile is sent to a manufacturer to print a set of custom aligners.

3. Starting your Invisalign treatment

Congratulations, you have recieved your very own, custom made Aligners. You will receive a unique set for every week of your treatment. These aligners will need to be worn for a minimum of 22 hours a day. Failure to wear your Aligners for the required amount of time will only reduce the effectiveness of your treatment. Our Dentists recommend you only remove your

Book a FREE Invisalign Consultation and have your teeth digitally scanned by one of our Merrylands Dentists

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Invisalign vs Braces

Braces and Invisalign are both effective orthodontic treatments that align your teeth and improve your smile.

Traditional braces work by using a metal wire with a metal bracket adhered to each individual tooth. A wire is then connected that your dentist will keep tightening over time with the use of small rubber bands, until your teeth reach the desired position.

In contrast, Invisalign straightens your teeth with without the use of any “permanent” fixture. The treatment uses a series of clear, customized aligners that are easily adjustable as well as removable during its application. The effectiveness of Invisalign is dependent the users ability to maintain the usage of aligners, and unlike tradition braces, leave no stains on the teeth when the treatment is removed


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Dental Extraction Care (with Arabic instructions)


August 29, 2020

Dental Extraction Care (with Arabic instructions)

After your dental extraction, it’s important to take care and let a blood clot to form, to stop the bleeding and begin the healing process. Bite on a gauze pad (place over each surgical site) changing it for 30-60 minutes until the bleeding stops completely. Light oozing is normal throughout the day of surgery and the following day. When the surgical site(s) are not visually/actively bleeding, remove the gauze and discontinue its use. You may eat and drink between gauze changes. 

If you are experiencing heavy bleeding at any time after your surgery (consistent with a bad nosebleed) call our office as soon as possible. If after 48 hours you have any numbness of the lip, teeth or chin (this is usually temporary) please call our office if it persists after 48 hours.

Apply ice packs to the outside of your face for a minimum of 24 hours after your surgery.

Pain can peak after 48-72 hours. If after 72 hours you are still experiencing muscle soreness apply heat (towel soaked in hot water, warmed gel pack or heating pad wrapped in a towel). Practice opening and closing. It is important to keep your jaw muscles moving. Continue heat as long as you have swelling and/or muscle soreness. It is not uncommon to develop bruising on the face after oral surgery.

Do not vigorously rinse or spit for 24 hours.

Brushing is important for the healing process. Brush gently around the surgical sites as bleeding and tenderness are common the night of your surgery. After 24 hours, please gently swish with warm salt water, do this after meals and before bedtime. You may resume normal oral hygiene (brushing & flossing) 24 hours after surgery. You can drink water, just be very gentle and use the other side.

Small bone chips are normal to come out after extractions and it is the body’s normal way of repairing. The dentist will always check if any tooth is remaining and will let you know if there are any issues.

Do not drink through a straw, drink alcohol or smoke for 1 week.

These actions are the main cause(s) of dry socket. A dry socket is formed when the blood clot is dislodged prematurely from the socket causing pain to your neck, head and/or ear(s). This will usually occur 3-5 days after your surgery. If you experience these symptoms, you will need to schedule an appointment with our office.

A soft diet is recommended for at least one week (anything that you can cut with a fork).

The day of the surgery foods such as yogurt, pudding, smoothies, shakes (not using a straw), ice cream and mashed potatoes are recommended. You may resume a normal diet when it’s comfortable for you

Take all medications as prescribed.

If you have any side effects from taking any medications, discontinue use and call our office immediately. Please refer to the Medications List you received from our office to review instructions.

Please avoid any physical activity (such as school sports) including lifting and bending for at least 3-5 days.

Ease back into exercise when ready. Throbbing at the surgical site is normal and will subside, but take it slow.

If sutures were used, they should dissolve in 5-7 days. We will advise if you need to be seen for suture removal if dissolvable sutures were not used. If no post-op appointment was scheduled, but you have concerns, we are here to help. Contact us today with any questions you may have about our dental extraction care guide. For Arabic instructions for dental extraction care please view here.

Arabic Instructions for Dental Extraction Care

Dental extraction care arabic

Dental Crown in Merrylands


August 9, 2020

Dental Crown in Merrylands

One of the common dental procedures available at the Merrylands Dental Clinic is the dental crown. A Dental Crown is actually a “cap”, which is shaped like a tooth, and it is placed over a compromised tooth so that it not only gets size, shape, and appearance back, but it also becomes stronger. At Merrylands Dental Clinic, our dentists take a mould of your tooth and send this off to a lab. Your Dental Crown is then custom made for your tooth using rare materials such as porcelain and zirconia that have a nice tooth coloured appearance.

Why you need a Crown

Our Merrylands Dentists will recommend a Dental Crown in one or more of the following situations:

  • When you have a weak tooth, which may be due to various reasons like due to tooth decay, or it has cracked or broken, then you may need a dental crown. In these scenarios, you may also need a Root Canal Treatment before the Crown is placed.
  • If a tooth is worn down, or it is broken and has lost its shape, then you can regain its shape with a dental crown.
  • When a tooth has been severely damaged, or it is discolored and you are unhappy with its appearance, you may request a dental crown to restore the color and beauty of your teeth. If this is the case, you may also ask our Dentists about Veneers, which fulfill a similar role.
  • If there is a need for cosmetic modification or when the purpose is to cover a dental implant, a dental crown is the way to deal with it.

Book an appointment with one of our Merrylands Dentists if you think you need a Crown

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Book an appointment with one of our Merrylands Dentists if you think you need a Crown

Benefits of Dental Crown

It is mentioned earlier that dental crown is a great way to get back the appearance, shape, functionality, and strength of your teeth. Here are a few other considerable benefits to look at:

  • Damages teeth can hinder your ability to eat or chew. With a dental crown properly placed over a damaged tooth, you will be able to chew again without concern for the damaged tooth
  • Your damaged tooth is vulnerable so long as it is exposed. A dental crown keeps it safe from further damage and infection
  • Dental crowns are vital to maintain and restore the structural integrity of your mouth.  If you think of your tooth like a house, and then every filling is like a renovation. Each renovation breaks the house a little, including the structural walls, which weakens the tooth. A crown is a cap that strengthens the tooth by replacing all the structural walls. Its the strongest thing we have in dentistry.

Root Canal Treatments in Merrylands


August 2, 2020

Root Canal Treatments in Merrylands

Is your tooth causing you consistent pain? Do you suspect you may need a Root Canal Treatmet? If this is the case, Woodville Road Dental Clinic offers one of the best root canal treatments in Merrylands. Book now with one of the best clinical and dental professionals to handle root canal procedures.

What is Root Canal and why it is needed?

There is distinctive internal anatomy contained within human teeth. The tooth has an internal structure which is called “pulp”. This pulp consists of blood vessels, nerves and lymph material. When the pulp comes face to face with an infection due to an injury or cavity, the damaged tooth makes an effort to heal this with natural processes, but when your body is not able to fight the infection, then the infection can further damage your teeth in a wide variety of ways.. The infected pulp can be extremely painful and prevent you from eating of chewing properly. It is at this point that we recommend a root canal treatment or RCT.

At our Merrylands Dental Clinic, the root canal treatment typically takes 2-3 appointments to complete. Our expert dentists are so confident in their abilities, if you experience any lasting pain after your finish your RCT appointment and we can’t fix the issue we give a full refund.

Book your first root Canal Treatment

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Book your first root Canal Treatment

Signs you may need a root canal

Keep an eye out for the following signs that you may need a root canal:

  • Persistent pain, especially when you eat or touch the tooth
  • Sensitivity to temperature, both hot and cold
  • Swollen gums
  • Discoloration in the tooth
  • Visible cracks or chips in the tooth

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment versus Tooth Extraction

  • As dentists we always say to keep your teeth. We recommend using an RCT, keeping as much of your original teeth as possible and delaying the need for dentures or false teeth.
  • Tooth Extraction can have a severe effect on the adjoining capabilities of your teeth.  When a tooth is lost, the teeth next to it will move into that area, leading to crooked teeth
  • While an extraction requires only one visit and is initially cheaper, patients will incur long term costs that include dentures or implants which cost considerably more than an RCT